Two Upcoming Events at the Hunterian Museum in London

I have just been alerted to two wonderful looking events at the Hunterian Museum in London by Jane Hughes, head of learning and access; Full details follow; if you're in London, be sure to check out either or both!

The Hunterian After Dark
Date: Friday, November 12th
Time: 6-9 PM
Admission: Free, with pay bar

A rare late-night opening of the museum and a chance to find out about the role of the College in modern surgical training. Enjoy a drink among the historical specimens collected by John Hunter and other eminent surgeons of the 18th and 19th centuries. Also available is an opportunity to tour the new Eagle Project teaching suite, find out about dissection at the College and try your hand at ‘keyhole’ surgery techniques and surgical suturing.

Gorgets and Bistouries: An Evening Encounter
Date: Thursday, December 2
Time: 7-9pm
Admission: £8, includes a glass of wine or soft drink

Artist and musician Matthew Robins and photographic artist, Elaine Duigenan collaborate to bring you a magical encounter with ‘instruments’ – both the musical and surgical. Through words, song, live animation and shadow play they will bring you an unforgettable performance in the realm of ‘The Dreadful and The Divine’.

Enjoy an atmospheric late view of the Hunterian Museum and the exhibition and following in the vein of the moving image, create your own zoetrope inspired by Matthew’s unique art.

Numbers are limited so booking is essential on 020 7869 6560

See more of Matthew's work at and Elaine's work at

To find out more about these events, click here and here, respectively. To see some other recent posts about Elaine Duigenan's work on Morbid Anatomy, click here and here.

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