The Vampire Diaries Round Table: "The Rager"

What is the deal with Connor? Just how much of a bad ass is Jeremy? Is Rebekah beyond redeemable at this point?

In the latest edition of The Vampire Diaries Round Table, staff members Matt Richenthal, Dan Forcella, Miranda Wicker and Eric Hochberger gather around to breakdown "The Rager," answering all these questions and more.

Won't you pull up a virtual chair and join them?


What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Matt: Elena's keg stand. That was damn impressive. She's taking the wrong approach to this vampire thing. Forget learning how to subside on human blood in a calm manner. She should be winning state gymnastic titles for the Mystic Falls Timberwolves.

Dan: Damon and Klaus: Vampire Vampire Hunter Hunters. I loved seeing these two team up to take down the big bad hunter. It may not have been as brotastic as Damon and Ric, but it came in a close second.

Miranda: It feels too easy to just say Damon shirtless. But yeah, probably Damon shirtless. Followed closely by, oh yeah, Damon shirtless. And then Damon swooping in just as Elena's about to KILL MATT to save the day. If only he'd been shirtless.

Eric: There was a shirtless Damon? Didn't even notice. I was too busy getting giddy over the return of Phoebe Tonkin. Honestly, could there have been a better werewolf for Tyler for play around with in the Appalachians?

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Did Tyler really cheat on Caroline?
Matt: Not to go all Ross and Rachel on you, but weren't they on a break? I'm pretty sure typical dating rules don't apply when one goes into the mountains to break a sire bond.

Dan: Have you seen Phoebe Tonkin? Yeah, he probably did.

Miranda: I feel like there's a joke about animal instincts and urges in here somewhere, but no, I don't think he cheated. I think they have a bond because of what he went through and it makes him uncomfortable, but Caroline is still his number-one girl.

Eric: No man should have to choose between Candice Accola and Phoebe Tonkin. Like Klaus and Dan, I'm going to assume the worst in our boy Tyler. He's a hybrid. Not Superman.

More shocking development: Jeremy actually being a bad ass, Klaus saving Connor's life or April apparently living alone?
Matt: While he official bad ass-ery may still be in question, I'm giving the nod to Jer. I wasn't bored by him for a change! I was surprised he played such a vital role in the Connor sneak attack and especially intrigued by the possibility of him working on his status as a hunter. What's next, TVD? Bonnie smiling?!?

Dan: Jeremy is not a bad ass. Like was mentioned during the episode, him saying that he was made the whole thing null and void. He can put on as much weight as he wants, Jeremy will always be a little twerp.

Miranda: Jeremy stepped into bad ass territory when he chopped the hybrid's head off with a meat cleaver, and the only adults living in Mystic Falls are the Mayor and the Sheriff, so the only possible answer here is Klaus saving Connor's life. Damn Klaus, always having all the answers.

Eric: Damon nailed it. If Jeremy has to label himself a bad ass, he still ain't one. And we all know The Vampire Diaries no longer kills off its bad guys. So clearly the biggest shock belongs to April. But it wasn't April living alone or drinking massively underage at a party. It was the fact the party was in the middle of the day during the week. Pretty sure I didn't discover day drinking until college.

If Stefan were to write a book, what should he title it?
Matt: Salva-BORE: Why Good Guys Rarely Win.

Dan: The Rippaahhhhhhhh.

Miranda: Funsucker: How To Be the Most Boring Vampire Ever in 164 Years or Less.

Eric: Rippah to Boring: In One Season or Less. Honestly, though, I wouldn't waste my time writing it if I were him. Much too small of a target market. New Vampires? Well, if you insist on it Stefan, I'd either start with a blog or go the self-published route on Amazon before I dare faced a publisher.

Do you feel any sympathy for Rebekah?
Matt: Yes, and that's not all I'd like to feel when it comes to Rebekah!!!

Dan: How much sympathy is the better question, and the answer is "loads of it." I don't care how much evil someone has inside of them, when Rebekah puts on the pouty face, I'm a sucker every time. I hope that everyone comes around on her and she becomes part of the gang. Oh, that will never happen? Well, a guy can dream.

Miranda: Not in the least. Sorry, Dan. Can we dagger her - again - and shove her back in a coffin already?

Eric: I'm torn. Pros: Poor girl had quite the scary cray cray for a brother in Klaus. And, let's be honest, who hasn't wanted to kill Matt or Elena once or twice these past few seasons? Cons: She killed Alaric. Okay, you're right. Bitch must die.


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