The Association of Medical Illustrators Fresh Website

Association of Medical Illustrators website screenshot

For many of you who are interested in pursuing medical illustration or just want to know more about the field in general, the Association of Medical Illustrators website ( is a resource rich information portal.  It contains everything you need to know about medical illustration including career information, tutorials, artist galleries, graduate program information, and much more.

Association of Medical Illustrators expert techniques screenshot

The AMI did an amazing job updating their website from what was once a very outdated resource so I highly recommend browsing through all of the fresh resources on the site.  And if you’re in need of a medical illustrator, check out the online Medical Illustration sourcebook.  Many of my favorite illustrators and animators are listed in it, including Hybrid Medical Animation, AXS, Anatomy Blue, and Bryan Christie.

The AMI is also introducing a trial membership for a special fee of only $100!  This is a great opportunity to join the community and network for basically the price of a student membership. I highly recommend joining!

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