Sons of Anarchy Round Table: "To Thine Own Self"

The pieces are aligning on Sons of Anarchy. Sides are being chosen. And the countdown is on for the Jax versus Clay showdown that's been building for two years.

Fresh off Thanksgiving, our TV Fanatic Round Table of Matt Richenthal, Christine Orlando, Carla Day and Dannii Priest (of are here to dissect "To Thine Own Self," debating the actions of Nero and wondering who will live to see Season 6...


What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Matt: I could probably use this as my answer every week, but everything involving Nero. His shooting of his old running buddies was shocking and bad ass, and then his breakdown with Gemma was simply heartbreaking. This guy rules.

Christine: Nero's breakdown when he saw Gemma and realized that turning back to the dark side was all for nothing. The emotions running through his eyes were really something to watch.

Carla: When Jax finally let Bobby and Chibs in on all the horrible things that Clay did. Jax's pain was difficult to see and their astonishment was refreshing. Jax has held all that in too long.

Dannii: Jax at the table telling everyone how he is getting them out of running drugs.

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Should Bobby have issued a warning to Clay?
Matt: From who's perspective? Obviously the answer is no if you're Jax, but Bobby has always been the reasonable voice of SAMCRO. He's aghast at some of Jax's recent actions and above all else, I think he understands how damaging it would be to the club if Clay's secrets were exposed. The VP is just looking out for his family here.

Christine: I wish he hadn't but I understand why he did. These two have been friends a long time. He may want Clay to pay but he apparently doesn't want to see him killed.

Carla: Bobby should have kept his mouth shut. It wasn't his place to get involved. He is Jax's VP, not anyone else's.

Dannii: Absolutely not! Clay has made his dirty bed so now he needs to lie in it... six feet under!

More likely to die this season: Clay, Tig or Tara?
Matt: Forget what the SOA preview for next week's "Darthy" teases, there's no way Jax is handing Tig over to Pope. And I see Clay surviving until the final season at least. So that leaves Tara, whose death would set Jax off a dark path the likes of which is current mindset can't even comprehend.

Christine: That's a tough call. It should be Clay but the guy's got more than the proverbial nine lives. Tig's own rashness and downright stupidity could have easily earned him a bullet as well. I just hope it's not Tara. This show has too few female characters. Killing her off would leave a serious void.

Carla: Hmm ... any of them could die. Will Jax give up Tig to Pope? I'm not sure he'll have an option. So I guess I'll go with Tig. However, I'm sure there will be at least one surprise that will come up regarding that arrangement.

Dannii: I have to say Tig. Pope will not let this go, and when Jax asked Tig if he still loves him, it seemed like a goodbye.

Should Tara take that job in Providence?
Matt: Should Miles lost weight?!? Yes, yes, yes. A thousand times yes, Tara.

Christine: Absolutely, but doing it behind Jax's back was the wrong way to go. It can only come back to hurt her.

Carla: Not without talking - really talking - to Jax about it. Though, in that moment, I think she accepted because she thought it would starve off her Otto situation. It won't, but it gave her a sense of control.

Dannii: No, not without talking to Jax to see where he's at with it all! She could have talked to him again about it first. But she can always change her mind... right?

Do you feel bad for Nero?
Matt: Totally. Though I feel great for Sons of Anarchy viewers who have been fortunate enough to watch Jimmy Smits in this role all season long. Can we petition Kurt Sutter to pen a spinoff? The Companionator? Nero and Far? I'll keep working on the title.

Christine: Oh God, yes! The poor guy went all in to rescue the son of the woman he loves... only to find out it was completely unnecessary and then found her back with Clay. The horror on his face as it all sunk in was simply heartbreaking. I keep wishing that Gemma would tell him the truth.

Carla: Absolutely. He opened up a side of him that he had locked down and it turned out to be for nothing. Poor guy!

Dannii: YES! He has to sit back and watch what happens with Gemma and Clay, knowing Gemma loves him. And then having killed his own crew by mistake?!? I don't believe it is going to end pretty for Nero.


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