Seo Young Deok Bicycle Chains

Seo_Young Deok bicycle chain sculpture (5)

Seo_Young Deok bicycle chain sculpture (3)

Seo_Young Deok bicycle chain sculpture (2)

Seo_Young Deok bicycle chain sculpture (4)

Seo_Young Deok bicycle chain sculpture (1)

South Korean artist, Seo Young Deok creates beautifully accurate sculptures out of a single material, bicycle chain. He welds each chain in what becomes a long and intense process lasting months.  And while bicycle chains might be seen as a representation of the freedom a bicycle affords, Seo Young Deok’s sculptures seem heavy, damaged and oppressed.

His latest solo-exhibition, Dystopia, is currently travelling the world.  View more of his pieces at


[spotted by Dani B]



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