"Paradiso Contrapasso," Upcoming Exhibition at Observatory, Call for Works, Deadline October 5

Hi All! Sorry for the silence; I am on the road, and the internet has been scarce!

I break the silence with an exciting announcement; the next Observatory exhibition is in the works, and the curators--Gerry Newland of Observatory along with friend of Morbid Anatomy Lord Whimsy and his wife Susan--have put out a call for works! You can find out more about the show--wonderfully entitled "Paradiso Contrapasso,"--and all the specifications for submissions below; hope to see your work in the show, or, if not, than to see you at the opening party on Thursday October 14th!

Full call for works follows:

A Call To Artists: Observatory presents: Paradiso Contrapasso

Submissions due: October 5, 2010
Pieces Due: October 11, 2010
Exhibition dates: October 14 - November 28th, 2010

To compliment the recent opening of Paradise, a year long event at Proteus Gowanus, Observatory explores the theme: Paradiso Contrapasso. In Dante's Inferno, Paradiso Contrapasso distinguishes each sinner by making his or
her punishment uniquely appropriate to the committed sin, so that every soul inhabits a Hell all its own.

For example, consider the story of Paolo and Francesca:
An unlikely marriage is proposed between the beautiful Francesca and the rich, but ugly Gianciotto. Paolo, the handsome brother of Gianciotto seduces the young bride and they become lovers. When Gianciotto discovers their indiscretion, he murders them both. In Hell, Paolo and Francesca are fused together in an eternal embrace, wishing only to be separated.

As Dante journeys through Purgatorio and Paradisio, he does not revisit this technique of contrapasso. For our event, however, Observatory encourages artists to consider divine comedic retribution in all of its possible representations, and from sources such as the Bible and religious and esoteric cosmologies, the ethical
philosophies of Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas, Symbolist poetry, the works of Roald Dahl, the Wizard of Oz, Cautionary Tales, Folklore and Fairy Stories, the Twilight Zone, Modern Dystopias, etc. The emphasis should be on "Divine" and "Comedy", and on our superstitious fear of getting what we wish for!

G.F. Newland, co-founder of Observatory Gallery, and Allen and Susan Crawford of Plankton Art Co. will co-curate.

Eligibility: All artists working in any media. (There is limited space for sculptural and free-standing works.)

Submissions: (Please include all information. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.)

  1. Up to 5 images. Digital file submissions will be accepted via email. Digital files must be in JPEG or PDF format, resolution set to 72 dpi. Please number images to correspond to Image List.
  2. Image list. Numbered to correspond with your image submissions. Include image #, your name, title, date of work, medium, size and price. You may also include a brief description for each image, however this isn’t required.
  3. A one page résumé. Please include a three line bio, your contact information and an email address.
  4. An artist’s statement. No longer than 300 words.


Deadline: Submissions must be received by October 5; All pieces must be received no later than October 11th, 2010.

Gallery commission for sold art: 30%

Return of Submission Materials: Include a SASE if you want your materials to be returned. Make sure there is sufficient postage. Materials without postage will not be returned.

Drop Off: Drop off of accepted artwork will be October 11th and 12th noon to 2pm. Mailed artwork must arrive by October 11th and include return shipping label/postage/etc.

Pick Up: Artists are responsible for picking up artwork on TBA. Return of mailed artwork with return postage will begin on November 28th.

Email submissions to: gfnewland@gmail.com.
By post: Observatory 543 Union St #1E, Brooklyn, NY 11215

See below for full details; for more information or to submit work, email Gerry Newland at gfnewland@gmail.com.

Image: The Souls of Paola and Francesca from Gustave Doré's Illustrations to Dante's Divine Comedy

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