Mind Bending Paper Sculptures by Li Hongbo

Li Hongbo – Pure White Paper from Dominik Mersch Gallery on Vimeo.

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (5)

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (6)

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (3)

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (1)

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (2)

Li Hongbo Pure White Paper at Dominik Mersch Gallery (4)

Simply jaw dropping fluid paper sculptures by Beijing-based artist Li Hongbo who has quite an affinity to paper. His fascination with the flexible nature of paper began with the traditional Chinese “honeycomb” paper toys used for decorations. He took one apart and realized, “It’s really quite simple. Yet the flexibility in terms of shape and properties is amazing.” And so, he began making paper sculptures by gluing tens of thousands of sheets together with carefully placed strips of glue and then carving the paper blocks into sculptures.

The paper sculptures can be manipulated through stretching, bending, and warping, turning seemingly solid structures into phantom-like beings.


[spotted by medical illustrator David Cheney]



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