Maurice Mbikayi

Maurice Mbikayi keyboard skull white

"Antisocial network I", 2010, computer keyboard and resin, 15 x 20 x 25cm

Maurice Mbikayi keyboard skull black

"Antisocial network II", 2010, computer keyboard and resin, 15 x 25cm

Maurice Mbikayi keyboard skull brain

"Measuring the impact", 2010, PC keyboard, tape measures and USB cable on paper, 30 x 35cm

In a day when skull made out of objects are starting to feel a bit overplayed, Cape Town-based multi-disciplinary artist, Maurice Mbikayi, uses his skulls to make a sociocultural statement.  Maurice identifies himself as a cultural activist interested in identity, origin and space, specifically how technology affects the diverse African populations. His talents span sculpture, performance art, installation art, photography, and mixed-media.

From Maurice’s artist statement:

Proceeding by collecting hardware remnants of this rapidly developing technology and other found objects and incorporating them into my work. The resultant mixed media drawings and sculptures ask questions such as to whom such technological resources are made available and at what or whose expense? What are the consequences impacting on our people and environment?


[Spotted by SARO via Juxtapoz]


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