Letter: Wear your mask as an act of love – Hickory Daily Record

Here we are, the election is over, but Covid is still with us, so what to do now? If your person lost the election, maybe you are defiantly not wearing your mask; Ill show'em that my president didnt wear one (he got Covid) so out of my devotion to him, I wont wear a mask!" Despite the fact that 130 Secret Service personnel have Covid and you know about the rest of the White House people.

Have you lost your ever-loving mind? Your mom is yelling in your ear, If your friends jump off the bridge, does that mean its OK for you? Finally the CDC has a solid mask recommendation, wear it for yourself and for the people you love.

I am a Christian, and the Bible instructs me that the second greatest commandment is to love my neighbor as myself." That IS a mask mandate. No governor or local authority has to tell me. I am to treat people the way I want to be treated.

Oh but you say, it infringes on my freedom of choice. Yes, but it may save your life and the lives of the people you love most. Masks, as big a pain in the tush as they can be, work! By wearing a mask, I am protecting you from me, and if you wear one, you are protecting yourself and me. Sounds very biblical to me.

Covid can be mild, hardly noticed. It can be the worst flu youve ever had, or maybe you die. Another plus of mask wearing is that our flu season may be milder. But heres the really scary part. Covid leaves many survivors with heart, lung, digestive, neurological and numerous other problems that hang on long after you think youre over it. This is not the flu; its a real unknown that I want to avoid if possible.

Excerpt from:
Letter: Wear your mask as an act of love - Hickory Daily Record

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