League of Space Pirates – Elegant Universe

Elegant Universe League of SpacePirates (1)

Elegant Universe League of SpacePirates (5)

Elegant Universe League of SpacePirates (2)

Elegant Universe League of SpacePirates (3)

Elegant Universe League of SpacePirates (4)

Noah Scalin, the genius behind Skull-A-Day and many many other creative ventures, also happens to be a rockstar in the band, League of Space Pirates. Animated and directed by Georgiy Kuznetsov. This is their latest music video for the song Elegant Universe that follows the journey of the Detritus, the League of Space Pirates’ tour ship as it travels through uncharted territories, namely a human body.

Elegant Universe takes it name from the title of the seminal book on string theory by physicist Brian Greene. It is one of the two tracks on the new Book & Record single/comic book, which was released by the band earlier this month.

This action-packed book & record set includes TWO original songs by League of Space Pirates illustrated as comic stories on 16 full-color pages and ONE 7 inch 45 rpm record. Read along as you listen, following the record lyric for lyric and join the fight against Übercorp!

Buy the book & record set here!


Skull-A-Day and Street Anatomy are teaming up to bring you Skull Appreciation Day 2013 in Chicago! More news to come!

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