Jack White Releases Record Project Created from Old X-Rays

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Flexi disc x-ray records

Butthole Surfers frontman Gibby Haynes teamed up with Jack White’s boutique record label, Third Man Records to release the Gibby Haynes Blue Series 7″ Single released today, Valentine’s Day, 2013.  The single is a extremely special as it is pressed on old medical x-rays, called flexi discs or Roentgenizdat records. Pressing records on x-rays emerged in the Soviet Union after World War II as a way to distribute jazz and punk rock music when Stalin tried to remove every aspect of American culture. X-rays were a cheap and reliable material in the Soviet-era for creating records and they came ready with interesting images.  Apparently it was the idea of a jazz-loving medical student who realized that he could etch grooves into the x-rays to produce low quality recordings.


The x-ray record will also be available at The Rolling Record Store in Austin, TX during this year’s South By Southwest (SXSW) festival.


[spotted by Gene via Gizmodo, images via Livejournal user bujhm]



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