Happy Endings Review: Sister Act and Star Crossed Lovers

Never before has Dave's steak truck gotten so much attention in two consecutive Happy Endings episodes!

In "The Incident," Penny accidentally got the truck stolen when she borrowed it to move furniture. In the second installment, "Bros Before Bros," Dave went to war with a fellow steak truck owner known as "The Brazilian."

The Happy Endings happy hour was filled with sisterly fights, forbidden romances and a life sized Brad doll. Let's discuss.

Penny's Wedding Day

In the first half of the hour, Max's hairdresser died and he needed a replacement. After trusting Dave for some stupid reason, he ended up looking like his clone, highlighted goatee and all. Jane and Alex to the rescue! Besides better skills, Jane and Alex's hair dresser played by RuPaul had a major advantage: gossip. Max being Max, he was obviously enticed and went to town with his new information. He's a troublemaker, he couldn't resist!

Everybody knows there are just certain things that are better left unsaid, especially within families. I have four siblings all who are married so I technically now have 8. You gotta know when to pick and choose your battles. Sometimes airing your grievances can just make it all worse, especially when you're Jane and Alex. The girls fighting went all the way back to childhood when there was an all out cold war. 

Max and Brad did a little digging and found an article that talked about how the girls made up. Question posed by Max, what's creepier: the random anatomically correct doll of Brad or the fact that a local newspaper was super obsessed with Jane and Alex? At least the paper had some answers. Nana Kerkovich to the rescue and all was right in the world again! Also Dave found his truck and had to sanitize it after the guy who stole it, admitted to making love to the meat...literally.

On to the second episode: Steak Me Home Tonight got even more attention as Dave braced for opening day at Wrigley field when he'd have to face his steak truck rival: The Brazilian. With the girls off planning Penny's wedding, the boys helped Dave plot to win the steak-off. Sidenote, how timely was Alex's comment about North Korea:

You had Jane plan you a backup wedding in an underground bunker just in case North Korea quote grew a pair, but you never thought of who's gonna walk you down the aisle? | permalink

What's scary about that timely and relevant comment was that it was made my Alex. Did you see her 4th grade book report that Max found? "F, is this a joke?" Amazing. Enter Penny's long lost dad who abandoned her to be an actor at a young age. He had a hard road with having to impress Jane, but he managed to do so after buying Penny her dream dress and getting involved in the steak truck showdown.

That showdown may never have happened but of course Max had to make trouble once again and sleep with the competition's son. Oh Max, what are we going to do with you? If it weren't for the fact that your actions resulted in a Ladybugs reference, I might have been kinda mad at your for messing things up for Dave!

He's not lying. He once Ladybugs'd himself into a Jr. High girls soccer tournament, bet against the team, and threw the game. | permalink

Amazing and under-appreciated movie reference. This is why I love Happy Endings! I thought this week's back to back episodes were better than last weeks. How about you guys? Hit the comments! 


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