Grey's Anatomy Recap: "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

Stage Five Clingers, Buffy alums and lions oh my!

In this week's Grey's Anatomy, Teddy finally deals with Henry's death, Callie gets majorly jealous, Alex has lady issues and Cristina finally lets Owen have it. Really, this feels like early Grey's, but the gang's all grown up... and there was a lion. Let's take a look at this week's top moments:

Zola says rawr: Zola is so cute when she meows in the car and then rawrs like a lion oh wait, that's because there's a lion on the loose in Seattle! While we don't get to see much of the lion, we do see all of the victims who are rushed to the hospital following its attack including Buffy alum Danny Strong. (For those playing the "Buffy Stars on a Shonda Show" drinking game, partake three.)

Teddy goes to therapy: The doc is finally trying to deal with Henry's death, but she probably shouldn't have chosen to go to group therapy. She laughs at other women's stories of woe and points out that their husband's maladies made them dead men walking anyways. But when the wife of her patient suddenly dies, Teddy gets a dose of reality, which makes her finally admit that she is a widow.

Cristina and Owen, not sitting in a tree: Because Cristina still isn't talking to Owen, he tries to enlist Meredith's help to fix things; except, Meredith didn't know that Owen had cheated on her best friend. The other Twisted sister is not pleased because it means that 1) Cristina probably didn't tell Mer because she's likely going to forgive Owen. And 2) Owen is a cheater! After watching Cristina quietly stew the entire hour, she finally lets him have it when she throws her bowl of cereal in his face. Childish? Yes. Deserving? Yes.

Mark and Julia's possible cohabitation: Lexie accidentally overhears Mark in the elevator saying how he may move in with Julia and attempts to get Derek's advice about the situation, but he shuts her out time and again because he's her boss and doesn't want to get involved with personal matters. In the end, Mark and Lexie are still doing the relationship tango. Come on!

Arizona's exes: A nurse she used to hook up with is leaving the hospital, so the two share a lingering hug. This sets Callie off on a bit of a jealous rage, trying to figure out who else Arizona has hooked up with apparently, she got around before Callie. But really, it's OK Arizona used to get busy because now she's raising the child of her wife and her wife's old lover, so she should get some brownie points.

Alex's Stage Five Clinger: Alex finally realizes that Morgan has become too attached to him, so he wants to get off her case. She keeps paging him over and over, but he decides to be a "douche" and ignore her so she'll get over him. Alex stands his ground even when Morgan has to decide whether or not she should let her baby die. In a related note: The new hospital pagers? Most annoying sounds ever, right?

What did you think of this week's Grey's Anatomy? Should Mark and Lexie just get back together already? Was Cristina being childish? Hit the comments!

Stage Five Clingers, Buffy alums and lions oh my!

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Grey's Anatomy Recap: "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"

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