'Grey's Anatomy' recap: Be My Freakin' Person

Image credit: Randy Holmes/ABC

BROMANCE Sloan (Eric Dane) and Avery (Jesse Williams) have become quite the dynamic duo lately on Grey's Anatomy

There was a particular moment during last night’s new episode of Grey’s Anatomy -- which was titled “Have You Seen Me Lately?” -- that felt like classic Grey’s Anatomy. Granted, it was sort of a totally terrible moment for Cristina and Owen, but if you’re a fan of the show, you probably recognized it and appreciated it for what it was, too. It was during the rather uncomfortable therapy sessions that dominated the hour for Cristina and Owen, who have been off-kilter as a couple since she had an abortion in the season 8 premiere.

The moment came after the couple fought for what seemed like hours but was really probably only one very intense one-hour session with the therapist that was spliced throughout the entire episode. Again, the topic was, unshockingly: the abortion. But really, the fight was about them not being on the same page, being totally out-of-sync with each other. Cristina stated, as she always does, after Owen called her and Meredith “twisted sisters,” that Meredith was her “person.” Owen’s response: “I should be your person!” And he's right. Then came Cristina’s heart-breaking response: “Be my person! Be my person, Owen! Be my freakin’ person!” Let me translate: Support what happened -- and my decision to not have children. And then came Owen’s even more heart-breaking response: “Be my person!” The quick-fire pacing, the back-and-forth nature, and the “person” references just made me feel like this was really real Grey’s Anatomy realness.

“Be my person!” It’s a simple request, right? It should be. But in this case, with Cristina and Owen, it sort of didn’t matter what the couple said to each other, or how they put it. As Owen said to the therapist at the top of the episode: “We don’t communicate.” Ding, ding, ding! It doesn’t take a therapist to realize that -- or to realize that that's the huge issue. It’s all fine and good that Cristina and Owen are finally addressing their issues in a real setting that could produce results, but honestly: It seems doubtful that they’ll reach any sort of resolution. Now, I’m no expert, but I’ve been through my fair share of disagreements in my lifetime, and it seems like these two have no interest in coming to some sort of compromise. But, really, is there a compromise when it comes to children? It’s not like they can really meet halfway. Half a child? A part-time child? A child that only one of them cares for? I don’t think so. I was sitting here with my TV watching partner tonight, fellow EW recapper Annie Barrett, and she summed it up just perfectly to me: “Oh my God, just break up already!” Yes. Hell, yes!

NEXT: "People can not want kids. It's a thing."

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'Grey's Anatomy' recap: Be My Freakin' Person

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