Grey's Anatomy: Ellen Pompeo Opens Up About Baby "Guilt," Her TV Marriage and Cristina's Crisis

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In real life, how has it been juggling the show and being a mom to your beautiful daughter, Stella?
It is challenging. You know, I have my days where I feel really guilty that I've been here every day if I have to work a lot. But the truth is I'm in a very blessed situation, I am so lucky. First of all, I am so lucky to live in a country where a girl like me can make this kind of living, achieve her dreams and reach her goals. And I don't think anywhere else in the world can girls have the freedom that we do here to have these amazing careers and be mothers. So first I'll say it really isn't a challenge with respect to the women in the rest of the world, I think we're very lucky. And all working moms have their challenges and I'm incredibly lucky compared to most. I can afford help and I'm fortunate where I can bring her here if I miss her. She's not in preschool yet so she can spend time on set with me. So I think everything in my life is a blessing. I've got my little challenges, but they're insignificant compared to what real working moms go through.

That's great that she can look up to you in that way and see what a woman of today can look like.
Absolutely, and how we can have whatever we want. And I strive to be a better person everyday because of her.

See the rest here:
Grey's Anatomy: Ellen Pompeo Opens Up About Baby "Guilt," Her TV Marriage and Cristina's Crisis

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