Grey’s Anatomy boss explains Teddy scene in Station 19 finale –

Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 spoilers follow.

Grey's Anatomy showrunner Krista Vernoff has addressed Teddy Altman's appearance in Station 19's season 3 finale.

The final episode of the spin-off show's season saw Teddy encouraging Carina DeLuca to forgive Maya Bishop, after Maya cheated on Carina with Jack Gibson. The scene led to speculation over the status of Teddy and Owen's relationship, as Owen found out about Teddy's affair with Tom Koracick in Grey's Anatomy's early season finale.

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Vernoff said that while some scenes in Station 19 had to be edited due to the fact that Grey's Anatomy could not complete its season 16 storylines as planned, the Teddy scene remained because of its ambiguity.

"There were four episodes of Grey's that we could not shoot. So we're gonna have to play those stories through on Grey's in the fall. Some scenes [in Station 19], I had to go in and edit or change when I couldn't air the [missing] Grey's episodes," Vernoff explained.

"But what I liked about that [Maya/Carina/Teddy] scene and the reason I allowed Teddy to remain a part of it was that I felt like you couldn't tell whether she had been forgiven or not.

"You could tell that she cared deeply about the subject, but you didn't know what had happened in her own life since episode 21 of Grey's."

Related: Grey's Anatomy boss confirms original season 16 finale won't be used for season 17

Vernoff also recently addressed Andrew DeLuca's bipolar diagnosis, after it was mentioned in Station 19's penultimate episode of the season by Carina.

Recent reports have suggested that the original Grey's Anatomy season finale would have seen a major character die.

Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 air on ABC in the US. They air on Sky Witness in the UK with selected episodes also available on NOW TV.

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Grey's Anatomy boss explains Teddy scene in Station 19 finale -

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