Greys Anatomy: 5 Most Shameless Things Callie Ever Did (& 5 She Should Be Proud Of) – Screen Rant

Callie Torres had one of the most impactful journeys of Grey's Anatomy, paved with both shameless actions and moments to be proud of.

Callie Torres was a major character on the popular ABC medical drama Greys Anatomy for over a decade. She was introduced as a peripheral character but became a fan-favorite and was woven into the storyline on a permanent basis soon enough.

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Callie was fun, exuberant, with the sort of energy that is infectious, and lived life on her own terms. However, despite being really good at heart, she wasnt beyond doing a few shameless things.

Callies first appearance in the series was as a romantic interest for George OMalley. The first thing the two did was getting married in Vegas. Unfortunately, George was too malleable and could be railroaded into doing something that he didnt necessarily want to do.

And Callie did just that, unthinkingly, forcing him to marry instead of taking it slow. She even got him to agree to have a baby and stayed at an expensive hotel, without letting him have a say.

Callie Torres's journey of self-discovery, especially when it came to her sexuality, was inspiring. Initially, she was introduced as a straight character who fell in love with and married George O'Malley.

She then went on an arc of exploring her sexuality and eventually realized that she was comfortable with both men and women. However, perhaps she preferred women a tad more for she began a long-term relationship with peds surgeon Arizona Robbins, while at the same time having a baby with Mark Sloan. Complicated and full of drama though it was, her self-exploration was something Callie should be proud of.

Something Callie cannot be proud of though was her constant nagging and complaining after Arizona won a wonderful opportunity to go to Africa on a prestigiousgrant and help young kids who needed medical attention.

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Now, Callie was justified in being worried about giving up her life and moving to another country for her girlfriend's sake. But she could have had a proper conversation with Arizona about her feelings. Instead, she ended up having pent up feelings and kept on whining until the whole thing blew up in her face and Arizona abandoned her in the airport. Of course, Callie was devastated but somehow she seemed to have brought it on herself.

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Greys Anatomy: 5 Most Shameless Things Callie Ever Did (& 5 She Should Be Proud Of) - Screen Rant

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