
Justin Novak Disfigurines

Justin Novak Disfigurines

Justin Novak Disfigurines

Not what you’d normally find on your mother’s mantle, Justin Novak twists the snooty figurine into a self-mutilating mockery, because none of use are pristine figures.

Novak says of his work:

The ceramic figurine has historically embodied a mainstream, bourgeois ideology, and for this reason, I have employed it in the presentation of an alternative vision, an ironic anti-figurine, or ‘disfigurine.’ In the ‘disfigurine’ series, physical wounds such as bruises and lacerations serve as metaphors for psychological harm. Whereas the figurine has historically represented the dominant culture’s norms and ideals, the disfigurines speak of the damage inflicted by those very same expectations

View all of Justin’s work at justinnovak.com.

[via Dentsu London]



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