Candace Couse

Candace Couse Landlocked

Candace Couse Landlocked

Candace Couse Landlocked


Candace Couse Landlocked

Calgary based mixed media artist, Candace Couse, works with paint, installation, video, and most interestingly, fiber.  A somewhat recent graduate with a MFA from University of Calgary, Candace creates incredibly detailed knitted anatomical structures.  The images above are from a 2010 show, called Landlocked at the Nickle Arts Museum in Calgary, AB.

Candace says of her work,

My own research—in mixed media—is a discourse with geography, mapping, space/place theory, the body and identity. The conceptual considerations examine the basic human need to acquire territory as a prerequisite to identity, how a loss of territory leads to a breakdown of self inundated with anxiety and loss of security. Most recently, I have completed a short film with The National Film Board of Canada titled, Sick/Malade. The film is a fanciful, endoscopic journey through the knitted body that is violently disrupted by the discovery of a malignant malady. Sick/Malade is currently being marketed for a two year film festival circuit.

View more of Candace’s work on her site, and keep updated on the progress of her film at the The National Film Board of Canada.

I hope we can view the film soon!







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