Blue Bloods Review: Whatever It Takes

The Reagan family has 115 years of police history sitting around its dinner table.  It's a family that has had to weigh the "Risk and Reward" of the job on more occasions than they probably remember. 

So when Frank told Danny to do whatever it took to find Detective Mulrow, he didn't give that order lightly.

Danny Searches For a Hostage

Was it the right call to make?  Obviously it achieved the desired result.  A decorated detective's life was saved but the risk of taking Abdul out of prison and placing him in Danny's custody was huge.  So many things could have gone wrong. I kept wondering if that was Omar's goal to begin with so that he could break his brother out of prison.

Danny's ploy of turning Sayid over to Malaysian special forces was well played and the detectives from Vice looked menacing enough in their big, black SUV to pull it off. 

As much as Frank Reagan's the moral compass of Blue Bloods, at times his choices are questionable.  There's certainly an argument for both sides here. 

Frank's position is to uphold the law. When he bends it or breaks it, or allows others to do so, how can we trust in that system?

At the same time don't we all want to believe that there is someone in charge that is willing to do whatever it takes to keep us safe, whether that's an entire city or just one innocent man.  Wasn't that why 24 was such a hit after 9/11.  The audience found comfort in the thought that Jack Bauer was out there willing to do whatever it takes.

Out of that 115 years of NYPD experience, 60 of them belonged to Henry Reagan. I loved the idea of having him ride along with Jamie, I just wished we had seen them do more than deal with a pizza truck dispute.

When Henry agreed with Jamie's partner about hauling the bickering brother and sister off to jail, it obviously irked Jamie. Again, I had to agree with a partner. The brother and sister were like a couple of bickering children only their petty dispute was ending with 911 calls.  At some point they needed to learn that there would be consequences or as Henry put it in this Blue Bloods quote

 Sometimes a kick in the ass is worth a thousand words. | permalink

When Jamie accused Henry of believing he was a bad cop I had to roll my eyes.  At what point does Jamie Reagan stop sounding like a belligerent teenager?

And I had trouble believing that after multiple visits to the scene that one stern talking to by Jamie was all it took to resolve this family feud.

So, did you enjoy Henry's ride along? Was Jamie right to take offense or was he far too sensitive when it came to Henry's comments about his partner. And did you agree with Frank's decision to do whatever it takes?


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