Blue Bloods Review: A Bonnie & Clyde Ending

"Protest Too Much" featured almost everyone taking their concerns a little too far.  

Erin & Her Witness

With the Citizens for Police Accountability staging a vocal protests outside his windows, I loved how Frank reacted in this Blue Bloods quote

 You know, if we had a balcony and some water balloons we could really have some fun. | permalink

That was almost as funny as watching a bunch of adults dangle a giant donut, sprinkles and all. But they weren't Franks biggest problem.  hat came later in the form of his disgruntled daughter. 

I liked Whitney. She was gorgeous, smart and had a sense of humor. The best part was how not just Frank, but all of the Reagan men reacted to her. Every one of them clearly remembered, "the hot blonde with the cane," as Danny put it and they'd apparently only met her once at Erin's 40th birthday party.

As for Erin, she really needed to lighten up. Yes, having her father date one of her friends wouldn't be ideal but Frank's been alone a long time. The guy deserves to have a little fun and like he said himself…

 I know I'm not spring chicken but I'm pretty sure I'm not dead. | permalink

I felt badly that Erin's over-the-top reaction caused him to back off and tell Whitney they had no future. 

Danny was back on the partner merry-go-round but this time I wasn't nearly as dizzy. I liked Detective Jordan Baez and the fact that she and Danny's relationship apparently went back about 10 years. I wished we had gotten more details about that but at least we were able to avoid all of the getting to know you awkwardness yet again.

As much as I like Danny's chemistry with his female partners, I found it kind of ridiculous that he'd be partnered with four woman in the span of as many months…but then again, this is TV.

Bonnie and Clyde…or Sylvie and Dylan... made me roll my eyes. That they tried to pawn off their bank robbing as a protest against the bank's CEOs was laughable. As if the CEO's would somehow be punished if these two made off with a few grand. I'm sure their rhetoric sounded good for the newscasts but people rob banks for one reason. That's where the money is.

Danny's contentious relationship with the FBI grew tiresome fast. There seemed to be plenty of fault on both sides. Having Jordan be a former FBI liaison fell flat as it never really got woven into this story line with any purpose.

Should Detective Baez stick around or should Danny get back on the partner merry-go-round? And was Frank right to walk away from Whitney? What's your opinion on this week's Blue Bloods?


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