Blood Slide Candy

Do you like Dexter? Do you like candy? If you answered yes to either, then you may love Andrea Newberry’s blood slide candy.

Newberry blood slide candy

Newberry blood slide candy

Newberry blood slide candy

Based on Dexter’s habit of keeping a drop of blood from each of his victims, Newberry came up with the idea for her treats. And hey, even if you don’t watch Dexter, it’s totally awesome.

The recipe calls for simple ingredients:

  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/3 cup light corn syrup
  • 2 Tbs water
  • red food dye
  • bamboo skewer or tooth pic

For the full recipe you can go to Newberry’s site forkable. You can also check out her other Halloween recipes, including a brain cake.

[via Nerdist]

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