Anatomy of an Analyst: Bill Walton – Barrett Sports Media

What did he say? Huh?

To say this analyst has a unique style may be the understatement of all understatements. Bill Walton is unlike anyone else. He certainly is one of a kind with analysis that sometimes is from out of left field. Its kind of what makes him as popular as he is. Even people who dont necessarily like him, cant help but watch because of what he might say. Its remarkable really. Walton truly is an original.

Before he got into the TV game, he was a standout high school basketball player in the San Diego area. From there hed go on to UCLA where he became part of college basketball history. Walton, under Coach John Wooden, won 2 national championships and was part of a program that won 88 consecutive games. That included two seasons with a 30-0 record. After UCLA, Walton was taken with the first overall pick in the 1974 NBA draft by the Portland Trailblazers. His first two seasons were marred by foot injuries, but he would continue to play. In 1977 his Blazers won the NBA title in 6 games over the 76ers. Walton eventually landed in his home town, signing as a free agent with the then, San Diego Clippers, then it was on to the Celtics. In Boston he was part of a team that won the NBA Title over the Rockets. Walton would eventually retire as a player after a comeback attempt in 1990. He was inducted into Basketballs Hall of Fame in 1993.


It wasnt a slam dunk that Walton would get into the broadcasting arena. He had a stuttering problem that he was able to overcome at age 28 with the help of legendary NBA announcer Marty Glickman. Before that he told stories about how he wouldnt speak to anybody and that he was incredibly shy. Not the case anymore.

Walton embarked on his successful and sometimes controversial career as an analyst with CBS in 1990. Hed work NBA games and the NCAA Tournament. From there hed move to NBC to call NBA games, normally alongside Steve Snapper Jones. They provided a good counter balance and were entertaining to watch. After NBC it was on to ABC/ESPN in 2002. Hed stay until 2009 when he left as a result of back problems from his playing days at UCLA. He came back on the national stage when ESPN and the Pac-12 Network announced Walton would return to full-time broadcasting as a game analyst. Hes been with the ESPN family ever since.


Waltons style is sort of fly by the seat of your pants or t-shirt sometimes. Im not saying he isnt knowledgeable about basketball, because he is, but sometimes it gets lost in the shuffle. Walton is definitely entertaining and he doesnt seem to let the game get in the way of sharing whatever may pop into his head at any moment. You want examples? There are far too many to quote individually, so here are a few.

In February 2019, working with Dave Pasch, there was a birthday to celebrate. The duo was given cupcakes with a single candle on them. Walton was dared to eat the pastry, candle (lit) and all. He obliged. Seriously? Pasch lost it and Walton threatened to face plant the cupcake on Pasch.

Back in 2017, the Grateful Dead follower and tie dye shirt wearer, somebody gave Walton a new shirt during the game and broadcast. He put it on in the middle of the telecast. A sight that few wanted to see, but well, we couldnt look away.

Also, in 2017, we got a glimpse into how the mind of Walton works. Streams of endless segues about all things, starting with basketball then going off the tracks. He was calling a Michigan State game when this happened.

Michigan State hasnt even needed Miles Bridges, who is not, Im told, related to Lloyd or Beau or Bill, the Bridge School, the Bridge Benefit Concert, the St. Johns Bridge, or the Golden Gate Bridge. I love bridges, Walton said. The bridge is the ultimate tool, because it allows you to get some place you cant get, on your own.

Waltons wit even extended to his own family. Back in the day when calling a game featuring Arizona, it was pointed out that Luke Walton, Bills son, was coming into the game. To paraphrase the announcer said something to the effect you know a little something about him dont you Bill?. Walton fired back, yeah, hes a 68 forward from the University of Arizona.


What do you get when you put Bill Walton, a man who thinks so far out of the box, into a baseball broadcast booth? Depending on your perspective, the answer could be chaos, hilarity, stupidity or complete and total enjoyment.

It happened August 16, 2019. The Chicago White Sox were in Anaheim to play the Angels. The regular analyst, Steve Stone, was off for the series. Jason Benetti who is employed by the White Sox and ESPN suggested that Walton be one of the guest analysts. It came about when Benetti and Walton were working together at the Maui Invitational. Benetti threw it out to him and the hall of fame basketball player accepted.

What followed was the general craziness you might expect from Walton. Heres some random quotes from that August evening.

I remember talking to Benetti for a past column about the game and asking him if he had a blueprint as to how things would go.

The blueprint for Bill Walton is there is no blueprint. I mean if you try and build any specific house on that lot it will be haunted. The doors will swing open and start to creak. The rattling of the China in the cabinet will begin at about one in the morning, when you know, no one is down there (laughs)., said Benetti. Thats how it works. Thats the fun of it. Sports is supposed to be different every time you watch it, he is different every time you encounter him, except for one constant he has a gloriously kind heart. I want that, I want that in the person next to me, following the paces of the game with me, whatever that is, thats a key component.


I think working with someone like Walton tests the skill of a play-by-play announcer. How can you keep it all together while hes going off on a tangent? For all the times he seems unhinged and going rogue, I get the impression that he is actively trying to get a reaction from his partner.

Walton appears to be ok with the banter that goes back and forth during the broadcast and falls under the category of being able to dish it out and take it too. Thats an admirable quality. I think its also a subtle reminder for us play-by-play types not to take ourselves so seriously all the time. We need that nudge every now and then.


Walton is certainly not everyones cup of tea. He annoys some sections of the audience. Seemingly for every one viewer that doesnt like or get it, there are 5 or 10 that really get a kick out of the nuttiness. Polarizing perhaps, but good for television and for the game of basketball.

Andy Masur is a columnist for BSM and part of the Chicago White Sox radio broadcast team on WGN Radio in Chicago. He also teaches broadcasting at the Illinois Media School. During his career he has called games for the San Diego Padres and Chicago Cubs. He can be found on Twitter @Andy_Masur1 or you can reach him by email at


Originally posted here:
Anatomy of an Analyst: Bill Walton - Barrett Sports Media

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