Research and Markets: Analyzing United States' Aerospace & Defense Industry Report: 2013 Edition


Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Analyzing United States' Aerospace & Defense Industry" report to their offering.

The global aerospace and defense market has performed well in recent years, led primarily by large increases in defense spending caused by the gulf war and the US-led global war on terrorism. These increases have countered the decline in the civil aerospace sector following the downturn in the end-user airline industry in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The United States has been the world leader in aerospace and aviation since the early 20th century as both the largest producer and marketplace. The US is the world's largest aerospace and defense market and has the world's largest military budget. Six of the top nine global aerospace companies are based in the US. Boeing is the largest aircraft manufacturer in the US, the top global aerospace company by revenues, and was the global leader for commercial market share until recently when the European firm Airbus edged ahead.

Spending in the US aerospace and defense market has expanded at far greater pace than in any other major global market in recent years. In 2007 alone, the market value rose by an astonishing 17.3% over the previous year. The main factor driving this phenomenon has been the country's leading political position in the recent conflict in Iraq and the escalating war on terrorism.

Key Topics Covered:

A. Executive Summary

B. Introduction

C. Aerospace & Defense in United States

D. Issues & Challenges, & Industry Trends

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Research and Markets: Analyzing United States' Aerospace & Defense Industry Report: 2013 Edition

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