Inmates getting aerospace job training – Mon, 23 Sep 2013 PST

Nicholas K. Geranios Associated Press

Forget license plates. Some inmates at the Airway Heights Corrections Center are training for jobs in the states huge aerospaceindustry.

About a dozen inmates are enrolled in a program that will make them certified aerospace composite technicians. Their goal is a post-prison chance to land jobs at companies like Boeing and itssuppliers.

There is a strong shortage of people to be aerospace composite technicians, said Chad Lewis, a spokesman for the state Department ofCorrections.

The idea is that former inmates who have good-paying jobs are much less likely to return to prison, he said. To be

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Associated Press photo

Teacher Michael Hunley, left, works with inmate Jose Flores in a class Aug. 29 at the Airway Heights CorrectionsCenter. (Full-size photo)

It costs about $2,000 per person to get inmates certified as aerospacetechnicians.

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Inmates getting aerospace job training - Mon, 23 Sep 2013 PST

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