ECE2012 – Build your own System Engineering workbench – Video

ECE2012 - Build your own System Engineering workbench
Mlanie Bats - Obeo How to build a satellite? What will be the first step? Go to your garage looking for the hammer? Launch Eclipse and start by writing code? No, first step should be to take paper and pen to specify what should be a satellite ? Sensors, telescope, scan mirror, transmitter, antenna, solar cell array, batteries, computers and controls to operate everything... How to manage the development of all these components of your system? You have 2 choices: just create specifications, forward them to realization teams, and pray to keep consistency or use System Engineering to manage an inter-disciplines view of your satellite. System Engineering provides system/sub-system decomposition, requirement specification, verification, simulation in a view to be able to manage the complexity of industrial products. But, it #39;s a mistake to think aerospace, automotive, energy, train, ... can use the same System Engineering method and vocabulary. They have different stakeholders and several dedicated certifications, and you will never find a common tool for all these industries. So, you need to create modelers adapted to your domain, with enough flexibility to extend or improve them easily to better match your needs and requirements. Based on existing Eclipse modeling software constellation, we will demonstrate how to fork existing designers and adapt them to build a system engineering workbench adapted to your Domain Specific Language. We will also explain how to connect it to ...From:EclipseFdnViews:0 0ratingsTime:26:53More inScience Technology

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ECE2012 - Build your own System Engineering workbench - Video

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