Comment on Colorado's aerospace industry foresees slowdown prior to defense cuts

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by denverboy1 on Today, 7:58 am #2527537

Could be throwin there lot in with the NEW space Companies might lessen he impact of Manditory Cuts.. America needs to revisit what we are building and why F-22..Poisens the Crew via OX system...Joint strike fource fighter..Cant land on Aircraft carriers...These Multi -BILLION dollar engineering screw ups are the type Items...America needs to revisit.. Why are we designing and building systems...That just dont work...and there not SPACE SYSTEMS..they are MILITARY DEFENSE systems.. Huge unbid and do not meet specs..But the American Public Pays threw the nose for the Pentagons ...TOYS..That don't work We have a up coming PRIVATE space effort...thats serious..Our Legacy Defense contractors are unable to desgin and spec out systems that are budgeted and or function as promised..Why should throw good money after bad...Why are we propping up Companies that just swallow money and deliver substandard systems..Either DEMAND proformance or pull the Contracts... Our New space effort is taking baby steps our legacy Companies have turned into inept blotted intiteled babies suckeling on the breats of the American Taxpayer..and producing...with a few exceptions....Junk....

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Comment on Colorado's aerospace industry foresees slowdown prior to defense cuts

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