The climate crisis does not respect national borders, and neither should programs that respond to it. The Green New Deal, unlike most proposed climatelegislation, addresses justice, not just emissions. But to be truly transformative, it must consider justice internationally, not just in the country implementing a GND.
United States House Resolution 109, the document thatproposesa Green New Deal, focuses narrowly on the US. Itthreatensto create Green New Colonialism through increased extraction abroad. It also gives no mention of the US militarys environmentalimpactor its ability to maintain global injustice by force.
Happily, the GND holds a radical understanding of how environmental injustice comes to be. The GND names social, political, and economicoppressionas root causes of environmental injustice. Traditional policy approaches for environmental justice, by contrast,focuson disproportionate shares of environmental consequences in a way that laments, rather than counteracts, underlying oppressions.
The fact is, socially and economically marginalized people bear the brunt of environmental hazards. Speaking plainly, environmental injustice occurs along race and class lines. 2018s Hurricane Michael hit poor counties in Florida and Georgia hardest, demonstrating a pattern where environmental hazardsexacerbateexisting inequalities. This injustice does not confine itself to the United States or other countries that have produced the lions share of the emissions causing climate chaos. Shortly after Hurricane Michael, two serious cyclones hammered the coast of Mozambique, withmorefrequent storms expected in the future.
Climate mitigation and adaptationnot hazards alonecan also create or perpetuate injustice. For instance, implementing the GNDs call for net-zero emissions would require vast increases in production of renewable energy technologies and batteries. Accordingly, it wouldintensify miningin places such as China, Congo-Kinshasa, and Chile. This mining contributes to water toxification inInner Mongolia,dependson child labor in Congo, and threatens todegradeIndigenous and peasant farmland in the Andes. The lack of attention to these energy and environmental injusticesconstitutesa green colonialism, where the global north achieves a high standard of living and a sheen of carbon neutrality by exploiting the health, labor, and land of the global south.
It is true that renewable energy production can cut greenhouse gas emissions in the wealthiest countries, mitigating climate changes most acute threats in the global south. Climate change is certainly a mortal threat and in itself an environmental injustice, but simply replacing one energy source with another would hardly be a just transition. Instead, as Elena Hofferberth writes, in order to prevent green colonialism, [t]heacknowledgementof the global historical responsibility [for oppression and discrimination] must translate into true environmental justice
Accordingly, an internationally just GND must target the processes that generate global oppression. But what are those processes? Why are marginalized people at greater risk? And who marginalized them in the first place? The short answer is that state power determines who is protected from environmental injustice and who suffers it. Environmental hazards mostly result from economic processes, all of which require ecosystem destruction or disruption. Within a given state, non-marginalized people, those with economic means and social privileges, can protect themselves from these risks by influencing decisions or using legal processes to mitigate existing harms. Or they can simply pay to protect their land, often in the form of conservation easements.
But these people are usually playing a zero-sum game. If their communities avoid risks, others will not. Corporations have to grow or die, so they wont surrender dirty projects if they do not have to. Rather, they will move them to where poor and marginalized people live. The state will thus favor industrial interests over people without political, economic, or social power who challenge them. In the US, this patternconcentratespollution in low-income areas, especially those populated by people of color. Internationally, global south countriesbearthe brunt of resource extraction and waste disposal.
These conflicts also arise across international borders. Where no one state dominates, the political fights take the form of military competition. Without a global government, there is no single body that can back up or arbitrate economic processes, so economic processes, especially raw material extraction, depend on international stability that results from military power. A central example is the US militarys tightlinkto major US fossil fuel corporations. In other words, it is no coincidence that the US has the largest economy in the worldandthe largest military.
A transformative GND, one committed to environmental justice and avoiding green colonialism, should therefore reduce American military capacity. This reduction would degrade one of the primary mechanisms on which injustice and exploitation depend. Thankfully, the current House Resolution already contains the seeds of that more transformative vision.
First and foremost, the GND already calls for justice through stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppressionof [I]ndigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (my emphasis). One only needs to go one step further to acknowledge that oppression based in militarism reproduces injustice on a global scale.
Consider military bases. The US militaryoperatesapproximately 800 bases around a globe composed of 206 UN-recognized countries. They amount to hundreds of sitesaround the globe are where the military can store its weapons, station its troops, detain suspects, launch its drones, and monitor global affairs. This storage, stationing, detaining, launching, and monitoring all comprise a mechanism for oppression, one that projects the interests of the United States and holds the rest of the world in check. But bases can also create direct environmental injustices themselves. Bases, current and former, have left a range of environmentalhazardsaround the world, [f]rom Agent Orange in Vietnam, depleted uranium in Iraq, and munitions dumps and firing ranges in Vieques, Puerto Rico, to a toxic brew of poisons along the Potomac River Often, these hazards impact people along colonial lines, such as military basesimpacton traditional Native American foods in Alaska.
Accordingly, the GND should halt oppression by significantly reducing the number of US military bases around the world. In doing so, the GND would weaken the capacity of the United States to inflict environmental injustice, while simultaneously directly mitigating existing environmental hazards. Of course, this process would not do away with the injustices of extractivism in and of itself. What it woulddo is decrease imperial power and shrink local sites of environmental injustice.
This process would easily fit with GND jobs. Decommissioning bases, managing their contents, and remediating their impacts would require a huge amount of work. A GND committed to base reduction would also significantly cut oil consumption. The US military itself is the worlds largestconsumerof oil, and shrinking it would cut itshugegreenhouse gas emissions. Reduced military expenditure could also free up federal funding to pay for other aspects of the GND.
Critics may rightfully ask why this proposal does not simply call for full demilitarization and the abolition of the armed forces. After all, why simplylessenthe potential for environmental injustice rather thaneliminateit? One response could be that it is not justmilitarismbutimperialismwhich the GND must target. But the two are intricately linked, and tackling the latter would warrant a more radical opposition to the military. My only defense against that is tactical restraint. A major strength of the GND has been its popularity, and too strong of a critique of American militarism could decrease support. I admit this defense is based on speculation about public opinion, but limiting the worst dangers from climate change requires mitigation as soon as possible. Compromises on rhetoric are warranted to adopt a transformative GND within the existing political structure. Since the proposed GND is largely aspirational, the GND goals could perhaps be framed in a way that is sympathetic to public opinion while policies themselves could be more radical.
These issues need to be carefully worked through in the creation of an anti-imperialist GND. The conversation should start by recognizing that reduction of military capacity provides an effective means of combating imperialism and environmental injustices alike.
Excerpt from:
Shrink the Military, Shrink Injustice - Resilience
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