Students ‘fix’ litter problem with Westward Ho! beach clean

Fixers Parry Hill and Hannah Seymour will be helping clean up North Devon's beaches.

Sarah Howells Saturday, January 11, 2014 8:00 AM

The Fixers from Petroc are working with a national charity to help clean up North Devons beaches.

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A GROUP of Petroc students who are sick of seeing litter on North Devon beaches are taking action against it.

The students are working with national charity Fixers to organise a beach clean on Westward Ho! on Thursday, January 16 from 9am-11am.

Parry Hill, 16, from Ilfracombe, has taken on the role of lead fixer and wanted to young people in the area to help out with the clean.

He said: Im sick of seeing litter on the beach every time I go there. I surf nearly every day and I see it as a growing problem.

After being on the National Citizen Service programme at college, I realised I can make a difference if I want to.

I hope to educate people about the impacts litter is having on our local beaches.

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Students ‘fix’ litter problem with Westward Ho! beach clean

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