Booyah! Cyborg's standard triumphant cry Cyborg Profile Real Name Victor Stone Aliases Cy Stone (while pretending to be a student of H.I.V.E. Academy) Borgy Bear CyBooger (called so by Gizmo) Sparky (called so by Bumblebee) Chrome Dome (called so by Beast Boy) Tin Man (also by Gizmo) Metal Butt (by Val-Yor) Place of Origin Jump City Residence Jump City Species Part human, part machine Affiliations Teen Titans Titans East Friends Beast Boy Robin Raven Starfire Terra Bumblebee Sarah Simms (main love interest) Jinx (former love interest) Sarasim (possible former love interest) Pantha Kole Gnarrk Family Elinore Stone Silas Stone Powers & Abilities A body made up of entirely robotic systems granting him superhuman strength, resilience to damage, capability to fix many appliances, unsurpassed knowledge of technology and robotics, a cannon built into his arm that can shoot sonic blasts, and numeral other gadgets built into his body Weapon Sonic Cannons built into his arms and numerous other gadgets installed throughout his body Likes Eating A Lot, Electronic Gadgets, Fourth of July , Listening to Music, Playing Practical Jokes, Science Fiction Movies, Sports Videogames, Watching TV Dislikes Anyone who abuses his technology; Being half machine; Gizmo, losing battles, not Having the remote for the TV, Tofu, When Beast Boy loses things First Appearance Divide and Conquer (written) Final Exam (aired) Voiced By Khary Payton (English), Ken Uo (Japanese), Daniel Lob (French), Tobias Kluckert (German), Roberto Draghetti (Italian), Kim So-hyung (Korean)
Cyborg is the half cybernetic half man, chief technological expert and one of the five founding members of the Teen Titans.
Cyborg was a promising strong teenage athlete named Victor Stone before an accident that killed his mother and injured him so severely that his damaged body parts were replaced with cybernetics to keep him alive. But since these mechanical parts were not inconspicuous, he was shunned by his home environment and his friends, which frustrated him greatly.
One night, Cyborg took to the streets, where he ran into the new arrivals Robin and Beast Boy fighting a rather violent alien girl, who was actually a fugitive from a prisoner transport. Soon joined by the mystery girl Raven, the youngsters teamed up to defeat the girl's alien captors and formed a permanent team to combat villainy. Cyborg constructed the Titans Tower and its systems from a Gordanian landing ship, and the team moved into its new headquarters. From that point on Cyborg served as the team's chief technician, constructing their primary vehicles such as the T-Car and T-Ship.
At one point, Cyborg attempted to upgrade himself by installing a super-processor chip called Maximum-7 (or Max-7) into his cybernetic brain. Initially it did work for his benefit, boosting his physical and mental processing speed well beyond his former capacities. But when the Titans first engaged Billy Numerous and were unable to catch him, a frustrated and obsessive Cyborg began shutting down his human personality in order to increase the Max-7's efficiency, which had the detrimental effect of making him more and more a robot, and eventually this conflict between human and cybernetic nature led to a short-circuit which nearly killed him. The other Titans managed to remove the chip before this could happen, and now restored to his true self, Cyborg devised a successful plan which brought down Numerous for good.
Teen Titans Go!
In the comic series based on the TV show, Cyborg meets a young teaching volunteer by the name of Sarah Simms. Despite several rocky times they have since formed a very close relationship.
He also possesses a tremendous appetite, and he will consume any edibles within his reach when hungry. His favorite food is barbecue and he also especially enjoys milkshakes, pizza, and waffles.The only food he would not voluntarily touch is Starfire's cooking and tofu (especially since Beast Boy goes to great lengths to try and make him eat it) although he once mistakenly ate the alien meat subsitute.
Beast Boy is Cyborg's best friend. Cyborg is never hesitant to put Beast Boy in his place, especially if he feels that the younger hero is being rude or inconsiderate. Yet, he is just as often seen at his friend's side causing mischief with him. Despite Cyborg's love of meat, and Beast Boy's love of tofu, the two remain close friends. Cyborg and Beast Boy have a lot in common, including a fondness for breakfast food, playing video games, watching movies, and playing practical jokes on each other. Throughout the series, Cyborg is shown to have a tough love relationship with Beast Boy. The two are close, but Cyborg feels the need to keep Beast Boy in line and maybe instill a little more consideration and maturity in him. They also enjoy playing their favorite game they made up "Stankball".
Raven and Cyborg have the most complex relationship from all the Titans. They had very few episodes dedicated to mostly the two of them. This is likely because the two of them have always been fairly close and comfortable around each other, as Cyborg seems to appreciate Raven's preference for peace and quiet, but still tries to include her. Raven, for her part, seems to reciprocate this, as she is more patient with Cyborg than she is the more childish Beast Boy. In the Teen Titans Go! comics, on Christmas,Cyborg bought Raven an antique bookcase he knew she wanted, causing Raven to become uncharacteristically elated and showing an appreciation for her tastes and hobbies. When Raven is feeling out of place and lonely, Cyborg comforts her and makes her feel better, almost taking on the big brother role.Cyborg is shown to often be more understanding of Raven than the other Titans, when he does not press the issue of Raven playing stankball with him and Beast Boy when she clearly didn't want to play, and attempting to make an angry Beast Boy leave her be. Raven, in turn, seems to accept Cyborg as he is without question and accepts his enthusiasm for his hobbies, even if she does not share it.[40]
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Cyborg - Teen Titans Wiki - Robin, Starfire, Raven
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