The World’s Smallest Political Quiz – HOME – The Advocates for …

The ORIGINAL Internet Political Quiz. Take the Quiz now and find out where you fit on the political map!

The RED DOT on the Chart shows where you fit on the political map.


Liberals usually embrace freedom of choice in personal matters, but tend to support significant government control of the economy. They generally support a government-funded "safety net" to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations, defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles.

Please make sure you have selected an answer to each question.

The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a persons political leanings. - The Washington Post

The Worlds Smallest Political Quiz stands ready to help you determine your political identity. Quick and relatively painless. - USA Today

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The World's Smallest Political Quiz - HOME - The Advocates for ...

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