Non-Libertarian Columnist Hilariously Tries and Fails to Identify ‘The Problem with Libertarians’

In the wake of a tough conservative defeat in Virginias gubernatorial election, conservative radio host Derek Hunter took to his Town Hall column to decry libertarianism for essentially not playing enough ball with his beloved GOP.

Theres lots of junk within Hunters column, so bear with me through a hefty fisking. Lets start with the opening paragraph:

There was a time I called myself a Libertarian. And there was a time I was a Libertarian. I just wanted to get government to leave me alone, to leave people alone and to go all crazy and limit itself to doing only that which is spelled out clearly in the Constitution. That was what a Libertarian was. But its not anymore.

So you once registered for a political party? Good for you! Just as a pro-tip: If you want to sound authoritative about the libertarian movement, you might not want to use a big-L Libertarian. Thats a political party with which many if not most libertarians do not associate. By and large, libertarians reject partisan political gamesmanship in favor of the grander Battle of Ideas.

So, right off the bat, you can tell Hunter has a certain level of cluelessness about his subject. And then theres this doozy of a paragraph:

By not even loosely defining the parameters of a set of beliefs, Libertarians allowed their brand as it was to be hijacked by anyone willing to wear the label. They went from the movement for individual responsibility, small government and free markets to a gaggle of misfits who want pot and prostitution legalized and a total non-interventionist foreign policy.

So according to Derek Hunter, Expert in All Things Libertarian, people who believe in individual freedom and are skeptical of the ever-expanding warfare state have hijacked a movement that already deeply included those beliefs.

Honestly, what does being a Libertarian mean beyond legalizing drugs, banging hookers and sitting by while the rest of the world blows itself up?

It should be quite clear by now that Hunter is just mad that libertarians arent conservatives. By picking the issues on which libertarians and conservatives most vehemently disagree, he conveniently broadsides the whole movement as being solely about the hookers and drugs. In other words: why cant you libertarians just invade more countries and lock up more people for victimless crimes?

He then goes on to attack the central figure in modern libertarian thought: Reason magazine.

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Non-Libertarian Columnist Hilariously Tries and Fails to Identify ‘The Problem with Libertarians’

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