Libertarian Candidate Plans To Demonstrate Third-Party Muscle In Ohio Governor Race

In an exclusive 10TV Capitol Square interview, Ohio Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Charlie Earl said he's prepared to be a major factor in the 2014 Election.

"I intend to be more than a spoiler," said Earl. "I think we have a shot at winning. Is it a good one? No, but we have a shot because people are discouraged and disgruntled."

The Ohio Republican Party wasted no time on Friday pointing out Earl supports positions that social conservatives have long scorned.

"He is pro-abortion, pro-drug legalization and pro-gay marriage," said Ohio Republican Party spokesman Chris Schimpf. "He will likely wind up taking more votes from FitzGerald than anyone else."

But several Ohio tea party leaders have already announced they will not support Kasichs reelection bid next year because of his support of Medicaid expansion. And Earl says he expects the tea party to be part of his coalition.

Political analysts have been busy dissecting the election returns from Virginia last Tuesday where the Libertarian candidate for governor Robert Sarvis received 7 percent of the vote.

Sarvis received 145,560 votes while the Republican candidate, Ken Cuccinelli, lost by roughly 55,000 votes to Democrat Terry McAuliffe.

What I take from that is that there is a real opportunity at the ballot box for minor parties, particularly the Libertarian Party, said Earl. A message of liberty and a smaller government we can get our arms around is important to people.

While the Libertarian anti-government philosophy more closely aligns with Republicans - Earl himself is a former state GOP lawmaker - he believes his appeal will attract some voters on the left.

"Our appeal as a Party has been to the fiscal sanity of the right and the more liberal attitude on the personal issues on the left," said Earl. "Certainly Kasichs base is upset with him. But at this point in time Mr. FitzGerald does not have the name recognition. I'm sure his Party and base will stick with him, but how many of those people are going to be frustrated by what's happening nationally and stay home?"

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Libertarian Candidate Plans To Demonstrate Third-Party Muscle In Ohio Governor Race

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