ST Aerospace Signs Joint Venture with Wings Capital Partners

Singapore, 6 November 2013 ST Aerospace announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary,ST Aerospace Resources Pte. Ltd. (STA Resources) has signed a joint venture agreement withWings Capital Partners Holdings Ltd, to set up WingStar Pte. Ltd. (WingStar).

Based in Singapore and equally owned (50:50) by the two shareholders, WingStar will build onopportunities created by global fleet expansion and renewal to acquire aircraft for lease, conversionor part out. Under the joint venture agreement, the shareholders plan to build up a portfolio of midlifeand end-of-life aircraft assets which will initially include Airbus A320 and Boeing 737NG familiesof aircraft.

WingStar will leverage Wings Capital Partners extensive relationships and experience in dealsourcing, financing, leasing and marketing, alongside ST Aerospaces comprehensive technicalexpertise in airframe, engine and component maintenance repair and overhaul, aircraft tear-down,parts trading, passenger-to-freighter conversion, as well as aircraft inspection and technical assetmanagement, to bring value added services to the aircraft operators globally. WingStar isexpected to commence operations by early 2014.

This is an extraordinary opportunity to team up with ST Aerospace to create an enterprise with thetechnical and financial skills necessary to tap on opportunities in the used aircraft market.~ Stephen HANNAHS, Managing Director & CEO, Wings Capital Partners

This joint venture extends ST Aerospaces total aviation support offering, adding a new dimensionto how we can support airline customers on mid to end-of-life aircraft. We look forward to working with Wings Capital Partners to build up aircraft solutions for the global market. ~ CHANG Cheow Teck, President, ST Aerospace

STA Resources is a wholly owned subsidiary of ST Aerospace, a new vehicle set up to focus onasset management.

Wings Capital Partners is an affiliate of Wings Capital Partners Management LLC. The latter is an investment partnership between Stephen Hannahs, his management team, and Two Sigma PrivateInvestments, that will make private equity investments, provide advisory services, and acquire mid to end-of-life aircraft. Stephen Hannahs co-founded the Aviation Capital Group in 1989, and served as its Chief Executive Officer as the company grew into a leading global aircraft lessor witha portfolio of more than 250 aircraft and over 90 airline customers in 45 countries. Two SigmaPrivate Investments is the private markets investment division of Two Sigma Investments, aleading technology company that applies a rigorous, scientific method-based approach toinvestment management. Two Sigma Private Investments seeks to partner with managers to buildbusinesses with flexible, long-term capital.

The joint venture is not expected to have any material impact on the consolidated net tangible assets per share and earnings per share of ST Engineering for the current financial year.

ST Aerospace (Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd) is the aerospace arm of ST Engineeringwith a turnover of $2b in FY2012. Operating a global MRO network with facilities and affiliates inthe Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe, it is the worlds largest commercial airframe MRO providerwith a global customer base that includes leading airlines, airfreight and military operators.ST Aerospace is an integrated service provider that offers a spectrum of maintenance andengineering services that include airframe, engine and component maintenance, repair andoverhaul; engineering design and technical services; and aviation materials and assetmanagement services, including Total Aviation Support. ST Aerospace has a global staff strengthof around 9,000 employees worldwide. Please visit

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ST Aerospace Signs Joint Venture with Wings Capital Partners

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