UMKC Medical School

The six-year medical program allows students to complete their medical degree in six years, which is two years shorter than the traditional path taken by students at other universities.

One third-year student who wishes to remain anonymous, is concerned with the medical school facilities.. She said she feels the buildings are not well-maintained. In addition, they lack any significant plan to improve the conditions. Elevators are being replaced and individual unit sections are receiving repairs but she said more repairs are necessary.

She said she also believes more space would improve the condition of the building. For example, once students reach year three of the program, they receive their own offices. These offices are intended for professional use only, but students often conduct private studying within these spaces. There have been instances when offices have had to be shared among students.

To share an office is a bit cruel, she said. These office spaces are the size of closets.

She believes it is ridiculous for students to have to share office space when tuition ranges from $50,000-$150,000 per year, depending on grade level.

Gaining acceptance into the school, she believes, is fair, but once accepted, she encountered other problems.

Admissions are not a problem, she said. Basic science classes are a problem.

She said teachers who instruct the basic science courses that most students take campus wide are subpar. Classes are far too large and the focus is only on rote memorization, with no real learning involved. While there are a few basic science teachers who are welcoming and take interest in their students learning, some teachers are oblivious to concerns.

I like the teachers at the medical school, she said. They are very personal and the class sizes are smaller.

She admits that this is her own personal opinion of the teachers and classes, as she has asked other medical students and some prefer the large classes for the convenience of skipping class.


UMKC Medical School

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