FACE OFF Artist Spotlight: Ali Gulec

Ali Gulec Lace Skull

Ali Gulec Home Taping

Ali Gulec Floral Skull

Ali Gulec Geo Skull

Ali Gulec Splash Skull

Ali Gulec Humpty Dumpty

Ali Gulec Skeleton


If you search for skulls on Society6, you’re likely to see that most of the results are from one very talented man, Ali Gulec.

Ali is an Istanbul based photo illustrator and a prolific creator of skulls. His stylistic range takes the ubiquitous skull and turns it into something new and exciting every time. It is precisely why I chose him to be in our upcoming show, FACE OFF: Skull-A-Day vs Street Anatomy!

View more of Ali Gulec’s work at his design studio, ikiiki.


FACE OFF Skull-A-Day vs Street Anatomy Skull Appreciation Day 2013 curated by Noah Scalin and Vanessa Ruiz


FACE OFF: Skull-A-Day VS Street Anatomy
May 31 – August 25, 2013
Opening reception: Friday, May 31  5–9 PM

International Museum of Surgical Science
1524 N. Lake Shore Drive  Chicago, IL

Mike Egan
Tom French
Emilio Garcia
Ali Gulec
Joshua Harker
Nicholas Obery
Rx Skulls
Dan Springer
Rob Tarbell





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