VA counsels veterans on health care options

Veterans enrolled in Veterans Affairs (VA) health care programs do not need to take additional action on their health insurance before Jan 1, 2014, to become compliant with the Affordable Care Act.

President Barack Obamas Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires people who can afford health insurance to have coverage in 2014, or otherwise pay a fine.

The bottom line is that veterans who enrolled in the VA health care system are covered by the conditions of the Affordable Care Act, as far as having insurance, said Stephen Gaither, public affairs officer for Harry S Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital in Columbia.

They dont really have to do anything, as long as theyve maintained their enrollment with VA Health Care, he said.

The VA health care programs include the Veterans Health Care Program, the VA Civilian Health and Medical Program and the Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program.

Gaither said the VA is encouraging veterans and other beneficiaries who are not enrolled in the VA health system to do so.

Check it out, fill out an application and submit it, he said. Now, they may not be eligible, but the only way to really find out is to fill out the application and submit it.

The VA health care application can be submitted online at

You can also pick up the form at a local VA health care facility, such as the outpatient clinic there in Jefferson City or the medical center here in Columbia, Gaither said. Also, there are credentialed service officers for veterans service organizations, such as the Missouri Veterans Commission, Disabled American Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The American Legion and a lot of other additional organizations.

More information can also be found at and

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VA counsels veterans on health care options

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