Sarah Palin backs another libertarian-leaning GOPer for Congress: Wisconsin’s Sean Duffy

From Eric Dondero:

Three weeks ago, it was Rand Paul, running for US Senate in Kentucky; a family man, Constitionalist and Tax fighter, but with a libertarian streak on social matters. Sarah Palin gave him her enthusiastic support on her Facebook page, which rocked the political world, and could have very well have thrown the race in his direction.

Now Sarah Palin is giving some strong indications that such youthful libertarian-oriented candidates are the ones who she's most willing to campaign for and support.

Wisconsin's Sean Duffy has been called a "fiscal conservative" and "social libertarian." He is a staunch budget cutter, tax fighter and proud Tea Party member. But he's also got a socially tolerant streak. He was one of the cast members of MTV's Real World show over 10 years ago. (Photo below of Duffy and his future wife whom he met on the Real World set, in the lower left corner).

From The Buzz a celebrity-oriented website from 2006:

Duffy has been painted as a political moderate, but says that is a false label and maintains he is a "solid conservative"...

Duffy's strong libertarian leanings and "live and let live" attitude... small government approach could help unite a party that must put aside its differences on social issues...

From Sarah Palin's Facebook Page yesterday:

There is hope! And this hope lies in draining the swamp in D.C. and sending Commonsense Conservatives to Washington who understand the need for fiscal restraint. Those who are willing to rein in spending, respect Constitutional limits, and repeal the stimulus should get our support, and those who have been part of the problem should be replaced.

In this election year, we’ll see many daring Davids take on entrenched Goliaths. Just one of these many brave souls is a northern Wisconsin patriot named Sean Duffy. He’s running in Wisconsin’s 7th congressional district against a liberal Goliath who’s been in Congress over 40 years now and has the dubious distinction of being the author of the stimulus bill. To commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the stimulus, Sean Duffy is holding a fundraising “money bomb” for his campaign so he can replace the career politician who drafted this government-bloating behemoth.

If you’re frustrated about the waste in the stimulus bill, please support a solid fiscal conservative who will work to repeal it. Please visit Sean Duffy’s website and help him help us correct the mistakes of this past year.

Interestingly, there are some stunning similarities between Palin and Duffy, outside the obvious nearly identical political positions. Palin herself was deemed a "social libertarian" in her early political career, most specifically in the 2006 GOP primary for Governor; she has a somewhat exotic family life with a sports eccentric husband and uniquely named children, and she once made favorable remarks about Alaska's lax laws on marijuana use.

Duffey is taking on longtime entrenched Democrat incumbent and House Appropriations Chairman Rep. David Obey. An appearance in the district or two by Palin herself, could work to even the playing field.

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