RNC Chairman Steele, media saying GOP trying to co-opt Tea Parties, "that’s a croc"

Takes a Swipe at Democrat Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee

Republican Chairman Michael Steele got a little animated in showing annoyance with recent media portrayals of the GOP trying to absorb the Tea Party movement. Leaders of the Tea Party met with the Chairman in Washington yesterday to air greviences and to discuss possible areas of cooperation, independent of the GOP apparatus. At 3:45 into the Chairman's intro, Steele says:

"The press is scratching their heads, trying to figure out what our agenda is... and what our motives are. [spooky look] Well I have no agenda folks. I'm not here to co-opt anyone. Oh gee, here are the GOP cards. Sign everybody up. Come back if you left, or join us if you've never been here. That's a croc. It ain't happening. That isn't what this is about."

A little later in the video he doesn't mention the individual by name, but clearly takes a jab at Houston-area Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee:

"This is about getting the folks across the street to pay attenion to what is going on in America. That the frustration, the anxiety, the anger comes from the fact, that when I go to a meeting with my congressmen, she's too busy on her cell phone to listen to my story, and to hear my frustration..."

Rep. Jackson-Lee held a town hall last August, and was caught in the middle of the meeting talking for minutes on her cell phone, while a constituent was directly addressing her and asking for help.

Hat tip Jim Hoft at Gateway.

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