Windows Phone 7 Could Allow For PlayStation Integration [Microsoft]

What do you do if you really want a Windows Phone 7 handset but prefer PlayStation to Xbox 360? Microsoft may end up catering for you too, with a senior product manager on the mobile division musing on the possibility.

Michael Chang told TechRadar that Microsoft's doesn't intend to be a closed door to other companies.

"If you look at our history in mobiles, we have never blocked anything off this platform because we compete in the same space, at least not in the phone space."

Typically, he couldn't actually pinpoint "a specific scenario" where they've allowed competing products onto their phones, but mentioned they allow Exchange "on other devices." At a hefty license cost, I'm sure.

But going back to allowing users of WP7 to integrate their PlayStation Network stats and games, it's something they're considering.

"We think it's pretty clear - I was slightly worried that when we showed off Xbox Live on the Windows Phone 7 platform people might think it was Microsoft trying to own the [mobile] world.

"But the simplest way to put it is that there's a very obvious reason we called it the Games hub and the Music + Video hub: Zune and Xbox are key parts, but not the only parts, of the overall Windows Phone experience."

But will they let me play Donkey Kong Country? [TechRadar]

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