Beaches house overrun by cats gets long-awaited cleanup

Crews clean the outside of a house overrun by cats in the Beaches on Wednesday. CITYNEWS

The outside of a house overrun by cats on a quiet Beaches street was cleaned up Wednesday.

In a CityNews story last week, neighbours said they were desperate to escape the putrid smell of cat excrement emanating from the property, located near Kingston Road.

Dozens of ravenously hungry cats had overwhelmed the inside, and outside, of the house, prompting CityNews reporter Cynthia Mulligan to liken the smell to a giant kitty litter box that hasnt been changed in months.

Area residents took matters into their own hands, trapping a total of 43 felines and handing them over to animal control, which will have them spayed, neutered, and released back into feral colonies.

That may have significantly pared down the cat population, but the mess and smell remained.

After what neighbours described as years of neglect, the issue was finally addressed Wednesday morning when a phalanx of agencies descended on the home.

The street was closed down as fire, police, animal services, the OSPCA, and four junk removal trucks showed up to begin the long-awaited cleanup.

Cats were a large part of the problem, but the property was also littered with years of accumulated junk and debris that was hauled away.

The cleanup initiative, which came after Beaches-East York Coun. Mary-Margaret McMahon arranged a meeting with the agencies, was more than welcomed by neighbours.


Beaches house overrun by cats gets long-awaited cleanup

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