Tuesday Amusements

I bet you wouldn’t have guessed it, but I spend a lot of time on the Internet searching around for interesting things to write about.  Occasionally, I run across images which I like, but really have no immediate use for.  Like this one:

PhotoBucket, Image in Public Domain

This reminds me of me.

This is my hero:

TIME Magazine cover

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.
—-Albert Einstein

You should be familiar with these next NASA/ESA images.  Most of them have appeared on the blog before.  There’s a huge enlargement on this one, so be sure and check it out.

comparison chart

NASA/ESA Images to show size comparison

Now, a couple more to amaze and amuse you:

Public domain


Have a great Tuesday!

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