Egotistical Spirituality


Posted: Sunday, September 22, 2013 12:00 am

Egotistical Spirituality Rick Crotts Baytown Sun |

I have noticed in my own life that any effort to grow spiritually which involves the acquisition of knowledge is always a mind trap. I find over and over that, when I think I have figured something out spiritually, the idea of knowing actually retards my spiritual growth. In other words, the inevitable big head associated with being smart enough to figure it out defeats any positive effect. Intellectual arrogance cannot enhance my spiritual well being.

My spiritual growth is mine to manage alone. The growth of others is not required to mimic mine, so my knowledge is largely irrelevant to someone else. The sharing of spiritual experience may be appropriate and even helpful, but as soon as I state my position as dogmatic truth I have overstepped the boundaries of propriety. I can believe. I can suggest, but I cannot know for someone else. They must come to believe and know for themselves.

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Egotistical Spirituality

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