Newly launched! 1st Personalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014)


Launched in response to huge demands from the industry! Asias ONLY Exhibition & Conference specialised in Diagnostics and Testing for Personalised Medicine.

1stPersonalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014) concurrently held with BIOtech 2014 Japan, Asias largest bio event

Reason of Launching / Japanese Market Situation The Japanese Government is targeting Medical Care as the core of Japan's growth strategy, and within that strategy, Personalised Medicine is chosen as one of the priority areas. A good example of that is the organisation of Japanese NIH with launching/preparation budget of approximately USD 2.26 billion, where 2 areas are chosen as priority sectors Personalised Medicine and Regenerative Medicine. A series of new projects, easing of regulations and a large volume of subsidies involved, many overseas suppliers are setting their target to Japan and especially to these two fields. Reflecting the market situation, Reed Exhibitions Japan Ltd., the organiser of Asias largest bio event (BIOtech 2014 Japan -13th Intl Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference) has decided to launch 1st Personalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014) concurrently with BIOtech Japan. Featuring the hottest fields in the current Japanese medical industry - Personalised Medicine and Regenerative Medicine (=covered by BIOtech Japan), these 2 shows will surely gather huge attention and are expected to attract 650 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors from around the world.

Event Outline

1stPersonalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014)

Exhibit Profile

Visitor Profile

Concurrent Show:

BIOtech 2014 Japan 13thIntl Bio Technology Exhibition & Conference

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Newly launched! 1st Personalised Medicine & Diagnostics Expo (IVD Japan 2014)

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