Huntsville Strikes Back

Huntsville space community form task force to fight NASA change

"A group of North Alabama leaders concerned over proposed White House changes to Marshall Space Flight Center-managed rocket programs have come together to form a task force in an effort to restore funding cuts. The "Second to None Initiative" brings together 25 community leaders, led by former Huntsville U.S. Rep. Bud Cramer, to fight the Obama White House proposal that would shift NASA's focus from returning to the moon to technology development and seeding small, private space companies."

Huntsville Mayor Unveils Task Force To Fight For NASA's Constellation Program, WHNT

"The "Second to None Initiative" will include the following community leaders: Bud Cramer - Task Force Chairman, Joe Alexander - Camber Corporation, Rose Allen - Booz, Allen, Hamilton, Bruce Anderson - Alabama Development Office, Ed Buckbee, former director of U.S. Space & Rocket Center, Angie Calvert, Davidson Technologies, Jim Chilton, Boeing, Steve Cook, Dynetics, Tommy Dillard, ATK, Kim Doering, United Space Alliance, Mike Griffin, UAHuntsville, John Gully, SAIC, Shar Hendrick, The Hendrick Group, John Horack, UAHuntsville, Andrew Hugenie, Alabama A & M University, Dave King, Dynetics, Don Nalley, Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Elizabeth Newton, UAHuntsville, Ed Pruitt, Lockheed Martin, Joe Ritch, Tennessee Valley BRAC Task Force, Dennis Smith, MEI, Irma Tuder, Analytical Services, Joe Vallely, City of Huntsville, Mike Ward, Huntsville/Madison County Chamber of Commerce, Tom Young, Kord Technologies"

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