Lecture 29. Everyday American Tragedies: Quinamid Gets on the Altar of War and Love – Video

Lecture 29. Everyday American Tragedies: Quinamid Gets on the Altar of War and Love
Jim Gustafson, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, giving his Twenty-Ninth Lecture in a series of Thirty-Six Lectures on Maps in Psychiatry, as every Friday (but for an occasional vacation week), posted mid-afternoon on YouTube -- type in Jim Gustafson Channel -- or on his web site at http: //psychiatry.wisc.edu/gustafson. Also, the new book, from which these lectures are drawn into ten-to-fifteen minute form, is available with one click also on his web site electronically. These YouTube Lectures are for doctors and psychotherapists and patients and everyone interested in maps of the whole situation that will save us, distinguished from maps captured by only a part of the situation that can snare us. They become a new sub-specialty of psychiatry, different from the main paradigm that has become more like internal medicine, useful as that is, but more like obstetrics as a set of capacities for delivering the patients from their maps of part of a situation that ensnare them. William James called it a second birth and Michael Balint called it a new beginning. My week-long Symposium at the Door County Summer Institute will be next August 5-9, 2013 on this very subject for psychotherapists and doctors. Today #39;s lecture comes down to everyday American tragedies like violence in marriage. We begin from Homer #39;s account of tragedy in The Iliad as reversal and recognition. I give you five examples of this profound plot that has not changed for five ...From:Jim GustafsonViews:2 0ratingsTime:14:19More inEducation

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Lecture 29. Everyday American Tragedies: Quinamid Gets on the Altar of War and Love - Video

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