7 States With the Highest Health Care Costs

While many focus on the cost of health insurance premiums, relatively little media attention is being given to the actual cost of health care itself. According to the latest data available from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or CMS, the annual cost of health care in the U.S. (excluding insurance premiums) is $6,815 per person. Depending on where you live, though, the costs could be much higher.

CMS gathers data from all types of health care providers -- hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, and other providers. It also collects information regarding spending on medical products including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, eyeglasses, and hearing aids, among others. Based on the agency's analysis, hereare the seven states with the highest health care costs of all.

7. Rhode IslandThe smallest state in the U.S. by geographical size doesn't have equally small health care costs. Rhode Island's per-capita health care spending of $8,309 is nearly 22% higher than for the nation as a whole.

6. New YorkOne of the nation's largest states in terms of population also spends large amounts on health care. New York residents spend $8,341 on health care per capita. This amount is a little more than 22% higher than the U.S. figure.

5. DelawareDelaware's state motto is "Liberty and Independence," but citizens of the state don't have as much liberty or independence from high medical costs as many of their fellow Americans. The state's $8,480 health care spendingper capita ranks more than 24% higher than that of the entire U.S.

4. MaineMaine is known for its lobsters, but its medical costs might have even bigger claws. Residents spend $8,521 per person on health care -- 25% higher than Americans as a whole.

3. ConnecticutConnecticut claims the third-highest median household income in the U.S. but also ranks No. 3 in the nation for health care spending. The state's $8,654 per-capita figure amounts to nearly 27% more than that of the entire country.

2. AlaskaAlaska is near the top of the planet -- and near the top in health care spending for the nation. Alaskans spend around $9,128 per person on health care. That's almost 34% higher than the figure for the U.S.

1. MassachusettsMassachusetts ranks as the biggest spender when it comes to health care. The state's $9,278 per-capita figure is a whopping 36% higher than that of the entire country. While some might point to "RomneyCare" as the culprit, it's not. Massachusetts ranked near the top well before the legislation was enacted. We should also note that the District of Columbia, which isn't technically a state, comes in even higher with $10,349 per capita in health care spending.

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7 States With the Highest Health Care Costs

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