Libertarian Senator Rand Paul Hopes Silicon Valley Can Love Some Republicans

My general impressions of Silicon Valley and California, in general, is that Libertarian-style Republicans would do better out here, and that Bush Republicans havent been doing well out here in a long time, the Senates uber-Libertarian, Rand Paul tells me, during his check-cashing good-will tour to Silicon Valley.

Republicans desperately want better relations with Silicon Valleys big-pocketed donors and top-tier programmers; the Senators solution is to show them that they can, in fact, love the small-government strain of conservatism.

Its no shocker that Republicans have an uphill climb in the Bay Area, so I put some tough questions to Paul to see if he could dispel the stereotypes.

Literally, A Modern Party

Most Republicans live in this century, not two or three centuries ago, Paul said, in a diplomatic response to my question about his partysnotoriously anti-science perception in the Valleynotably the head of a congressional science committee calling evolution and the big bang lies straight from the pit of Hell.

In fairness to Paul, Ive been outspoken about dispelling the myth of the luddite Republican: in the House of Representatives, conservatives are more savvy on social media, trailblazers in open government, and designed the most innovative tools in online direct participation.

Moreover, I think we can be sympathetic to Pauls position of having to both appeal to the liberal bastion of San Francisco without alienating his base. As far as small-goverment conservatives eyeing the presidency go, Paul is as geninually libertarian as one can be and still be a viable candidate.

Winning Back Support

Though President Obama won a staggering 84% of the vote in San Francisco, Pauls argues its because were not reaching our potential in appealing to the Valleys libertarian strain. I think, particularly in the tech world people are conscious of privacy concerns and I think theyre conscious of their civil liberties. I think many would like to see a Republican candidate or party that is less aggressive on foreign policy.

For good measure, he struck a chord with Californias love of the wacky-tobaccy, adding that California citizensmore apt to support politicians who dont want to lock people up and throw away the key for non-violent drug use.

See the rest here:

Libertarian Senator Rand Paul Hopes Silicon Valley Can Love Some Republicans

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