3 Important points that people failed to understand why ET exploitation is not possible – Video

3 Important points that people failed to understand why ET exploitation is not possible
Hello there, I have put out about three informative videos that the Anti-ET agenda supporters such as the Allies of Humanity, the Ike tards the, Alien Invasion schizophrenics and lastly the alien abduction bullshitters don #39;t seem to grasp, or even hear these fundamental points to support my argument Star People/Elohim/Extraterrestrials have no need to exploit the natural resources, its life and humanity of this planet because of these three important points. 1) They are capable of interstellar space travel fast as the speed of light and faster, the space craft #39;s subcomponents can be used for the construction of a zero point free energy generator. This technology exists on your planet and fully developed, except for the organic spacecraft #39;s, but your governments and military industrial complex have it under their asses, and are refusing to give it to empower the people. What would they want with "fuels". 2) They are capable of creating life, that is designing, bioengineering life on this planet and other planets, and they have done, which is evident to certain unique characteristics which natural selection alone cannot prove . Not just the humanity only according to Anananunaki ancient alien theory, but all fauna and flora, including the terraforming of earth from a dead planet into a living planet. This technology exists on your planet, not just cloning and stem cells, full cells can be created from scratch. What would they want with living things ? 3) They are capable of ...From:LadyDanielle ZanaViews:471 23ratingsTime:03:25More inEducation

3 Important points that people failed to understand why ET exploitation is not possible - Video

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