Geert Wilders: Europe’s Ronald Reagan

Noted Scholar on Islam and Western Civilization, Daniel Pipes recently wrote a column for the Jerusalem Post, in which he praised Dutch Member of Parliament and current Presidential candidate Geert Wilders. Pipes compared the "libertarian-conservative" to American President Ronald Reagan.

From, Jan. 19:

The PVV [Party for Freedom] is libertarian and mainstream conservative, without roots in neo-Fascism, nativism, conspiricism, antisemitism, or other forms of extremism. (Wilders publicly emulates Ronald Reagan.) Indicative of this moderation is Wilders' long-standing affection for Israel that includes two years' residence in the Jewish state, dozens of visits, and his advocating the transfer of the Dutch embassy to Jerusalem.

In addition, Wilders is a charismatic, savvy, principled, and outspoken leader who has rapidly become the most dynamic political force in the Netherlands.

Wilders is currently on trial in the Netherlands for insulting Islam through production of his 2008 film "Fitna."

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